Del julio 4 de 2015 al enero 3 de 2016
Kunstmuseum aan Zee (Mu.ZEE), Oostende, Bélgica

January 20, 2013
As women and Afro-descendant, the women from the Black Communities’ Process in Colombia (Proceso de Comunidades Negras en Colombia–PCN), join the call to see violence against women as a human rights problem that has a multi-dimensional character. In this sense, the abuse of the human rights of Afro-descendant women not only affects them as women but also as Afro-descendants living in a homogenizing context of geo-economic wars that exacerbate the historic practices of domination through violence, and reinforce their impoverishment and marginalization through the dispossession caused by forced displacement. Read the report>
January 20, 2013
Today the Internet community has been launched in Amsterdam at the event The emotional experience of slavery. The community consists of a website, a facebook page and a twitter account slavery online # online slavery. The website aims to provide information about the history of slavery in the Dutch colonies and the legacy of slavery in contemporary societies (Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles and the former).
Martha Luz Machado Caicedo wins important Colombian science prize
December 16, 2011
Martha Luz Machado Caicedo, who obtained her doctorate at the University of Amsterdam, won in 2011 the Premio Alejandro Ángel Escobar prize, the most important award for science in Colombia. She received this award for her work in the field of social studies and humanism. Machado Caicedo obtained her doctorate in March 2011 for her study of the cultural influence descendants of African slaves transported to Colombia had on the indigenous Chocó population.
foto Reindert Groot
In her thesis, Machado Caicedo states that the Chocó were culturally influenced because for centuries, they shared the same territory with the African slaves and their descendants. She supports her theory using historical sources and myths as well as comparative research. Prominently featured in her thesis are the carvings of religious staffs used by the Chocó. According to Machado Caicedo, these staffs exhibit African features.
Jury report
The jury found Machado Caicedo’s research to be ground-breaking because no previous in-depth research had ever been carried out in this subject. Her work enhances the cultural knowledge of the Afro-Colombian population. In the past, the unique cultural history of this group was not recognised in Colombia. In publishing her thesis on the aesthetic memory of the Chocó and the descendants of African Slaves, Machado Caicedo attempts to rewrite their history (and thus the history of Colombia) and contribute to the discourse on exclusion and oppression.
Website Fundación Alejandro Ángel Escobar>
Interview with Martha Luz Machado Caicedo>
Post-scriptum, Unradio, 24 October 2011
Review by Gabriel Restrepo>
e-revist@s, 31-01-2012